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Changing the order of questions asked at checkout

If you want to change the order of the questions you are asking at checkout, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  2. Select Create New Event in the top navigation bar or edit an existing one
Create New Event UPDATE
  1. Scroll down to the Additional Options section under Create New Event.

    NOTE: make sure you have already created the questions you want to ask by checking the box labeled Add question to ask during checkout and filling in the appropriate information before continuing.

Adding details upload GIF
  1. Once the questions are entered, you can change the order they appear in during checkout by clicking the blue arrows to the right of each question at the bottom of the Additional Options section
This is the panel where you can rearrange your questions.
  1. Click the purple Update Event button at the bottom of the screen to apply these changes to your event