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Enable Integrations only for public events

With Purplepass, you can create public and private/hidden events. Using our integration options, you can choose whether or not to syndicate and promote your hidden events.

If you want to only enable your integrations for public events, follow these steps:

  1. Select Tools in the top navigation bar
  1. Select Integrations in the left navigation bar or select the box on the main page.
  1. Select the integration you want to use. NOTE: If you see a green Enabled button, that means the syndication is already linked and being used.
  1. To enable, click the gray button Disabled and a pop-up box will appear
  2. Select Enable syndication and then for the option Which events to syndicate click Only public events. That way, if you’re hosting a hidden event, that integration won’t be enabled unless made public.
  1. Click the purple Save button at the bottom of the pop-up box